Wednesday 13 October 2010

Nearly ready

This week I am tapering big time. I don't run much anyway, but I do push myself at the gym so as of Tuesday I've been restricting myself to walking only and lots of foam rolling on this pesky TFL that seems to be playing tricks lately.

Before every ultra I've done I've always become absolutely terrified of the task ahead. Will I be able to make the checkpoint cut off times? Will it be windy and rainy the whole time? Will my achilles behave? Will I remember to eat breakfast this time? Will I even be able to finish?

I've never believed in carbo loading before, but since I've been eating low carb I am considering it now, only because what I eat during a run is fruit so I don't want to get any unexpected sugar highs or crashes from it. So as of today I'm upping my carbs to about 75g per day until the big day.

There are a lot of things to pack. I'm scared I'll forget some of the mandatory gear or my favourite foods for the drop bags. At least I've remembered to put the beer in the fridge for when I get home :)

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  1. Good luck Anna and it sounds as if you have a good plan going into it. Wise decision on increasing those carbs as it always seems to help me.

  2. Thanks Kim. I seem to be handling the extra carbs ok so it should be good for the race.


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