Saturday 2 October 2010

My original plan was 2.5hrs today but I had a sudden attack of The Lazies and decided on a shorter route. By the time I made it home I'd done 14km and was just feeling warmed up and ready to do more. Oh well.

This time in 2 weeks I will be either having a fab time out on the trails on the shipwreck coast or questioning my sanity or both. Seriously, all I can remember from last year is sand, some steep hills, sand, and spiders that come out at night... on the sand.


  1. So what you are getting at is there is sand? I'm tipping both. But who wants to be sane.

  2. Scary spiders on the sand question my sanity

  3. You will be having a fab time for sure. I question my sanity on every distance race.

  4. I'd only question your sanity if and when the scary spiders start talking to you.


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